Rate Your Experience

Tell Us What You Think About Schlumbrecht’s Electric’s Electrician Around New Orleans, LA

Schlumbrecht’s Electric depends on customer feedback to make us a better company.

We know your time is very valuable, and we appreciate you taking the time to help us make Schlumbrecht’s Electric the best Electrical company that it can possibly be.

We are committed to providing the highest quality and service possible. Please help us by completing this short 6 question survey below. Be assured that your responses will be used solely to improve our services and ensure that we meet your expectations.

Name *:
Email *:
Service Address:
Service Date:
1. Did your technician show up to work on time and with a great attitude?


2. Did your technician answer all of your questions and give you options on how to proceed with the job before the work was started?


3. Did your technician clean their work area and put back any furniture that needed to be moved?


4. How would you rate our pricing structure?


5. How likely are you to recommend us to your friends and/or family?

Very LikelyPossiblyVery Unlikely

6. How would you rate your overall experience?


Any additional comments?